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Tower Hamlets Canoe Club Women and Ladies’ Trip to Sardinia


The title is rather long, one has to admit that. However an explanation could be given. There were six women and two guys on this trip, so everyone should understand the dominance of the sex.

However the two guys on board insisted that the word “Ladies” was added. Here they are comparing their Wine Tits and Green Boobs.

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London had no winter at all, and the spring flowers and colours were out long before the official date in March, yet here in Sardinia one could really see and feel the waking up of the season and colours were truly everywhere, including our group. 

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For Michal and me the idea of kayaking on Mediterranean sea took some adjustments, tides and flows weren’t important. So as soon as we acknowledged that, we were thinking “here we go, we arrived to the pond”.

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We were kayaking from Fertillia, close to Alghero, on north west coast up north. We wanted to go as far as the islands on the north west tip of Sardinia and finish at Stintino. The sea might seem to be calm, but the coast line was truly amazing.

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It didn’t last long. If there’s no need to worry about the tides, the wind can cause some big seas. The calm waters became rather hilly.

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How many kayaks – people can you spot here?

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Where’s Alison?

This is from Toby’s 1967 guidebook on Capo Caccia: “If the wind is blowing – which it often is – the drive (paddle) can be rather nerve wrecking. The heights are so high, the drops so sheer and nature herself so arrogantly powerful that you may be hurled into the sea at any moment…”

It may seem like a fun piece of writing, but trust me, at some point, this is what the paddle was like and we had to turn back and retreat. Still the next day we really enjoyed the paddle around and visited many caves. It is one of the paddles I’d strongly recommend.

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Our group had eight people and we had to have most food and water with us. We were lucky that Clark (whose boats most in the group were using) from Sea Kayak Sardinia offered to meet us and help with restocking. Our dinner ladies did amazing job of dishing the food out.

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As it was still out of season, we even managed to have campfires on two of the nights.

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We had to slightly change our plan and decided not to paddle as far as Stintino. This resulted in some interesting outcomes.

The guidebook has more to say about the area where we were: “There’s a small hole in the middle of the floor through which the sea roars and sends up fierce gusts of air, and to stand near it is rather like standing over the entrance to the hell.”

After a rather romantic sunset on a beach which should have warned us by being rather steep,

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we woke up to big dumping surf and had to evacuate by pulling the kayaks up the steep rock and slope, a bit like white water paddling.


The post exercise swim proved our decision to be the right one, even if it was a bit laborious.

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So, no paddling for us on our last day, yet, we still managed to occupy ourselves. Apparently an Easter THCC sea kyaking trip tradition has it that a piniata needs to be made and hit and broken at the end of a great trip.

Sardinia THCC

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