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Northern Four

Ever since we came back from our homeSEAhome trip people around kept asking “what’s next?” While it was great to be somewhere on a journey, in reality, everyday live is there with hundreds of other things that take priority for while. Yet, the temptation is always present. There and now we were talking about a new trip, about islands closer or more distant.

While talking about our possibilities, there was one memory popping back to my mind. Memory of the special moment, when we stud by Cape Wrath lighthouse on an absolutely calm and clear day. A moment when on the horizon  we were just able to make  out the Butt of Lewis, North Rona, Sule Skerry and Orkney, all at the same time. I remember thinking that one day I wanted to paddle there. Once we add Natalie’s love to go to places one can see barely or not at all, the idea of the next trip was born.

Plan for the Northern Four is quite simple. We will start on the west coast of Scotland at the beginning of May and paddle to four different islands: St. Kilda, Flannan Isles, North Rona and Sule Skerry. The most difficult part of the trip is done, decision has been made and the date was set. What’s left now, is just an endless list of smaller and bigger tasks to do.

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