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It’s getting more interesting


It’s getting more and more interesting. The last two days especially. Yesterday we decided to round the most westerly point and have a look at the most westerly lighthouse of Europe. What started as a leisury sunny paddle across a bay past long sandy beach resulted into something, what I can summarise into the following: rolling big southwesterly swell against strong northerly wind, and tide that was doing who knows what. Fortunately we could see none of it too well as in the same moment the fog descended and left us with 100 metres visibility.Just before we also met some bird watchers on a small boat, when they heard we were going round the west corner they told us about the race, and yachts going backwards there. All in all we managed and landed on a minor surf beach.

Today we set off for a shorter paddle as we decided against any crossings into forecasted headwind. When it started, we decided not to land in a particularly surfy bay, but see what’s round the corner. And then we were paddling against headwind force five and against waves that I can only describe as huge-hugely-huge with small breaking tops. Wasn’t that just fun! Sadly it was beyond us taking the camera out. And just as we were almost out of it, a fishing boat passed us quite close. I decided to demonstrate that we are someone, who negotiates these every day, and waved. So did this fisherman, and also took it, that we were ok, which we were. Only then sped off full blast, so this hugely huge waves with small breaking tops were joined by fast approaching big surf waves of his wake.

When it all calmed and we looked around, we almost felt that we got lost. There wasn’t any small sheltered bay, but the Patreksfjordur, the same one against which crossing we decided earlier.

Oh well, we crossed it then, and found amazing campsite with our own cold pool. And many old ruins. We saw old ruins in all our three previous campsites. They were remains of old farms and former summer fishing stations. For example the one from yesterday, Brunnar, was an ancient fishing station used till 1620, and then as season station till 1880.

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